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Remembering Who You Are & Why You Are Here

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

Asking other people who they are and why they are here, is one of the most simple, yet profound questions that will ever be asked of them. Most will say their name, describe their physical appearance, their marital/career status, how many children and/or grandchildren they have, their religion or spirituality and what hobbies interest them. That is their truth of who they are.

If you think about it, your name, your height, your ears, your arms and legs, these are all things you have, and your hobbies are things you like to do, but that doesn’t tell you who you are authentically, does it?  Who is behind all those things that you have and like to do? 

You can physically see yourself, and can feel the state of your mental & emotional states, instantly, but what about the spiritual state? Why isn’t that so apparent? In fact, where and when does it show up? Because you can physically see and feel your physical, emotional and mental state constantly, those are the holistic bodies that you pay attention to. They become your focus.

Whereas, your spiritual body is sadly only acknowledged briefly at different times in your life. Those moments are usually of extreme joy and happiness or sadness, despair or grief. And we wonder how GOD could have let this happen.

BUT, what if you could change that around and experience the happiness & bliss of living in the present moment and co-creating your existence with your *Divine Creator?  What if you could remember that you are an eternally divine spiritual being, who is having an experience as a “human being” here on Planet Earth, this time around? Read that again.

What about the idea that you “willingly chose” to write and sign a contract with the Divine Creator to be here, as co-creator of your life right here and now? How about everything that is happening to you, is happening for a reason and there is a specific reason that it is happening to you? You actually volunteered to be here. Now why would you do that? Now you know that GOD didn’t let it happen,  you stepped up and volunteered.

What if your existence on this beautiful planet is to learn your life lessons (see blog - What are some examples of Life Lessons), as quickly as possible so you can continue to grow spiritually and to have unconditional love and compassion for all of humanity. Remember that you are a part of humanity and you should have as much love and compassion for yourself, as you do for your best friend. 

If you ask someone to name the top 3 things that they love, their top three answers are God, spouse, kids. Ask them to name 2 more things that they love more than anything & they will generally say elderly parents or their friends or career.  

Those are all excellent answers, but when do you include “LOVING YOURSELF” in that list? Maybe that should be a priority after your Divine Creator. You are here for a very special purpose and even if that purpose isn’t clear to you, by going within and asking questions and being aware of the answers, as and how they come in, becomes a very interesting and exciting adventure. 

We now know “who we are” and “why we are here”. By exploring this website, you will begin to understand that your true inner being is a powerful source of energy and through that source we will help lift the frequencies of our beloved planet, Earth. We do that by shining our divine eternal light on the evil in the world. Exposing them for their deeds and holding them accountable to humanity.

We are here to assist humanity with learning unconditional love and compassion for all, starting with ourselves. Once we have self love, then we can easily offer this precious gift to others.


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