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Why are you here on Planet Earth?

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

Well, contrary to popular belief, or more like actual daily life, we were not meant to be born, work, and die with sporadic moments of happiness and joy sprinkled out, once in a while, during our lives. Neither is being so busy and so distracted with everything else, that self care is the last thing many of us pay attention to. It’s no wonder that so many are suffering from health issues physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Thankfully, that is not why you are here. And as you browse through the blogs, videos and articles on this website, you will start to discover who you are and why you are here. It will entice you to grow personally and spirituality.

Through exploring your spiritual beliefs and practices you will find a source of connection, with both your Divine Creator and this community. That is more powerful than anything that you can envision.  

We are here to have unconditional love and compassion for all of humanity, as well as, help lift the frequencies of our beloved planet, Earth. We lift those frequencies by shining light on the journey of coming back to your authentic self. Once you know who you are, then you need to take care of any life lessons that are meant to come your way, this time, as a human being on planet Earth.

These life lessons come about in the way of “tests”.  These tests are put directly in our path, to see if we can overcome them with grace and gratitude; or by trying to avoid them and distract ourselves with other things.

Many individuals can’t overcome them right away. Some never will. If we are wise, we will take on those “tests” headstrong in the knowledge that this difficult time will eventually turn into yet another blessing.



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